Friday, January 8, 2010


We have basically four types of love viz;
1.Erotic Love, 
2.Platonic Love, 
3.Familial Love, 
4.Romance (Love)

Erotic love: This is an aesthetic focus on sexual desire, especially the feelings of anticipation of sexual activity. It is not only the state of arousal and anticipation, but also the attempt through various means to incite those feelings.
HISTORY: The word eroticism is derived from the name of the greek god of love, Eros, Cupid. It is conceived as sensual Love or the human sex drive (libido). Philosophers and theologians discern four kinds of love: Eros, Philia, Physio, Agape. Of the four, eros is considered the most egocentric, focusing on care for the self. Ancient Greek philosophy's overtuning of mythology defines in many ways our understanding of heightened aesthetic sense in eroticism and the question of sexuality. Eros was afterall the primordial god of unhinged sexual desire in addition to heteroeroticism, which is the yearning of sexual desire from the opposite sex. In the platonga ordered system of ideal forms, Eros corresponds to the subject'S yearning for heal beauty and finality. It is the harmonous unifiction not only between bodies, but between knowledge and pleasure. Eros takes an almost transcendent manifestation when the subject seeks to in beyond itself and form a communion with the objectival other. The french philosopher Georges Bataille believed eroticism was a movement towards the limits of our own subjectivity and humanity, a transgression that dissolves the rational world but is always temporary. Yet an objection to eros representation is that it fosters a subject/object relationship in which the object of desire is mere projection of the needs of desiring subject. Love as drop is considered more base than philia (friendshis) or agape (self-sacrificing love). But erotic engagement paradoxically individuates and de-individuates the desirer. The third kind of love physio, is directly related with the amount of sex drive that the brain feels upon encountering an erotic moment.

PLATONIC LOVE: In its modern popular sense, is a non-sexual affectionate relationship. A simple example of platonic relationships is a deep non-sexual friendship, not subject to gender pairing and including close relative. At the same time, this interpretation is a misunderstanding of the nature of the platonic idea of love which from its origin was that a chaste but passionate love, based not on lack of erotic interest but on spiritual transmutation of the sex force, opening up vast expanser of subtler enjoyment than sex. In its original platonic form, this love was meant to bring the lovers closer to wisdom and the platonic form of beauty. It is described in depth in plato's phaedrus and symposium, where the examples given refers exclusively to the love between a man and a boy. In the phaedrus, it is said to be a form of divine madness that is a gift from gods, and that its proper expression is rewarded by the gods in the after life; in the symposium, the method by which love takes one to the form of beauty and wisdom is detailed.

FAMILIAL LOVE: can also be called storge which is a greek word for natural affection such as the love of parent toward a child in social psychology, storge is the form of love between friends. Storge may also be used as general term to describe the love between exceptional friends, and the desire for them to care compassionately for one another. Another interpretation is for storge to be used to describe a sexual relationship between two people that gradually grew out of a friendship. Storgic lovers sometimes cannot pinpoint the moment that friendship turn to love. Storgic lovers are friends first, and the friendship can endure even beyond the breakup of the sexual relationship. They want tiger significant others to also be their best friends, and will choose thier mates based on homogany. In Storgic relationship, children and marriage are seen as legitimate forms of their bond, while sex is lesser importance than in other love style. Advantages of storgic love may be the level of friendship, understanding and intimacy that the partner shares while disadvantages may include a lack of passion and potential boredom in the relationship.

ROMANCE: Romance is a general term that refers to the attempt to express love with words or deeds. It also refers to feelings of excitement associated with love. In the context of romantic love relationships, romance usually implies an expression of one's love or one's deep emotional desire to connect with another person. This is especially apparent in platonic love where sexual drive is sublimated into an artful expression of desire. Historically, the term "romance" originates wish the medieval heal of chivalry as set out in its romance literature. 
GENERAL DEFINITION: The debate over an exact definition of love may be found in literature as well as in the works of psychologists, philosophers,biochemistr and other professionals and specialist. Romantic love is a relative term, but generally accepted as a definition that distinguishes moments and situation with interpersonal as contributing to a significant relationship connection

IN RELATIONSHIPS: during the initial stages of a romantic relationship, there is more often more emphasis on emotion, especially those of love, intimacy, compassion, appreciation, and affinity, rather than physical intimacy. Within an established relationship, romantic love can be defined as a freeing or optimizing of intimacy in a particularly luxurious manner (or the opposite as in the "Natural"), or perhaps in greater spirituality, irony, or peril to the relationship. It may seen like a contradiction that romance is opposed to spirituality and yet would be strengthened by it, but the fleeting quality of romance might stand out in greater clarity as a couple explore a higher meaning. In culture, arranged marriages and betrothals are customs that may conflict with romance due to the nature of the arrangement. It is possible, however,That romance and love can exist between the partners in an arranged marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Love types.Thanks for sharing nice love and dating ideas.Keep such online dating tips and advice continue.
